Transforming Rural India
The rural development project of the Mata Amritanandamayi Math
Amrita SeRVe was launched during Amma’s 60th birthday celebrations in September 2013.
Our goal is to promote self-reliance and sustainability in village clusters across India
by strengthening communities and fostering growth.
Our work is aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
Our Inspiration

Everyone in the world should be able to sleep without fear, at least for one night. Everyone should be able to eat to his fill, at least for one day. There should be at least one day when hospitals see no one admitted due to violence. By doing selfless service for at least one day, everyone should help the poor and needy. It is Amma’s prayer that at least this small dream be realised.”
– Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi
Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences
Embracing the World
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham
– Amrita School for Sustainable Futures (ASF)
– Amrita CREATE
– Amrita Center for International Programs
– Amrita Centre for Nanosciences
– Department of Social Work
– Corporate and Industry Relations
– The Centre for Wireless Networks and Applications
– Amrita Centre for Cybersecurity
– Amrita Technology Business Incubator