Women Learn Masonry
AMMACHI Labs is training women village masonry skills to build their own toilets and, at the same time, teaching them about the importance of toilet use, hygiene and sanitation.
Facing the Reality
A 15 member team from Amrita University travels to Byse, Karnataka for seva and learns about the reality of the challenges facing village life.
Daily Yoga Practice. Why?
A yoga training session for villagers in Indpur, Himachal Pradesh answers that very question.
Homeopathy Brings Healing
A weekly homeopathy clinic in Kalinagar, West Bengal is bringing relief to a place where there is no medical facility or permanent health care practitioner.
Photo Essay: A Day in the Life – 4
In Nani Boravai, Gujarat, agriculture is by far the main path of income-earning. The trouble is that crop failure is also frequent, and that means no money for that season.