The success story of the mutual partnership between CSIR-CIMAP, Amrita SeRVe and more than 100 farmers in Chhattisgarh.
Harirampura farmers have donated 700 kg of organic wheat to the District Collector for distribution to the poor.
Sadivayal tribal village is our first organic agriculture certified village.
Harvest season adds spice and income to the Gudipadi Cheruvu farmers’ group of Andhra Pradesh.
Malgaon farmers begin experimental composting with Vermi beds.
Cooperative milk collection in Gujarat is providing more than just regular income to women who run the village society.
Jeevamritam is a traditional organic mixture from India’s farming systems.
For the first time, organically cultivated mustard is being harvested in Harirampura, Rajasthan.
The journey of tribal farmers in Tamil Nadu who escaped the clutches of debt by pursuing a well-coordinated conversion to organic farming.
On International Women’s Day 2019, Amrita SeRVe will be celebrating together with all the village women.