Hand washing with soap and water is the simplest way to prevent infections from spreading. Everywhere in the Amrita SeRVe villages, Amrita CREATE organized an event to commemorate the importance of hand washing. Over 650 children participated at 36 Amrita Rural Tablet Education (RITE) Centers to learn and have fun.
The theme of the day was to emphasize the connection between hand washing and food, including hygiene and nutrition aspects. Amrita CREATE arranged various special activities. A video of Unicef Healthphone “Ammaji Kehti Hai” was screened at the RITE education center. Tuition teachers also demonstrated the proper hand washing steps and all the children followed the example. A funny and joyful experience was the “Handwash Dance” by the tuition teachers, inviting the children to dance along to mimicking the steps of handwashing.
Amrita SeRVe village coordinator and health workers are constantly giving awareness on the importance of hand washing. They are keeping an eye on every child’s hygiene practices by checking regularly their habits of hand washing, taking bath, hair washing, nail cutting and teeth brushing.