Healthy Girls, Educated Girls
Friday, April 21, 2017
People in our villages across India are rallying this Sunday to call for the rights of girls to health and education.
As per UNICEF statistics for India:
- 47% of adolescent girls remain chronically hungry
- 56% of adolescent girls suffer from anemia
- One in every three girls is married before the age of 18
- Less than half the child deliveries are institutionalised
- Net female attendance ratio for secondary school is 49%
The time has come to reverse these trends—to give more participation to women in society so they can contribute fully towards the progress of India.
We are holding the rallies in support of the Government of India’s Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao. The message of this campaign is that for a developed and prosperous future of the villages, it is essential that we focus on providing better health and educational opportunities to girls.
Apart from Sunday’s rally, we will also be holding more events in the coming days like awareness sessions, street plays, reciting stories of inspirational female role-models, and conducting drawing competitions, etc.
As an outcome of the campaign, we are hoping to re-enrol children (especially girls) who have dropped out of school, encourage girls to pursue higher education, promote health awareness for girls and women, and inculcate healthy-food habits amongst village folk.