Natural Fertilizer Chyawanprash for Improving Soil’s Health
Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Soil Health Chyawanprash has been used by the farmers in Harirampura, Rajasthan, for the last four years. The farmers report that they have actually experienced all the prescribed benefits, which have been listed below. Amrita SeRVe village coordinator Rajesh Meena is pressing on the urgency of returning to natural farming methods and addresses all farmers in the nation to switch to organic farming and use natural methods like Soil Health Chyawanprash for restoring soil fertility, improving yields, and bringing health and prosperity to their families.
Benefits of Soil Health Chyawanprash
- Enriches the soil and helps in regaining its fertility.
- It is the best fertilizer for crops like wheat, mustard, bajra, rice, and all kinds of vegetables.
- Crops are saved from diseases.
- The nutritional value of vegetables increases.
- Saves from diseases like cancer, blood pressure, itching, diarrhoea, TB, etc. because no added toxic chemicals.
- The ingredients used for preparing Soil Health Chyawanprash are more nutritious than any other chemical fertilizer.
- The sense organs remain healthy, because no added toxic chemicals.

Here is a step-by-step guide from the Harirampura farmers’ on how to prepare this powerful mixture to improve soil health:
Ingredients: 20 kg Jaggery 20 kg Fruits (apple, banana, papaya) 50 gm Asafoetida 5 litres Cow Urine 40 kg Cow Dung 5 kg Mixture of Mustard, Neem 5 to 10 kg Peta (special variety of Pumpkin) 5 to 15 litres Water |

1. Arrange the materials required to prepare Chyawanprash for soil improvement. A big vessel is needed to mix all the items.
2. Add sliced fruits (apple, banana, papaya).
3. Add sliced Peta.
4. Add powdered jaggery.
5. Add cut neem leaves.
6. Mix all these items in a big vessel with asafoetida, cow urine, cow dung, water and stir 6-7 times.
7. Cover the vessel with a lid in such a way that gas doesn’t pass off for 24 hrs.
8. Stir in 24 hrs interval.
9. After keeping for 72 hrs, the Chyawanprash is ready to use.