Learning Inner Peace
Children in our villages across India return to the ancient art of yoga and find strength to face the challenges in their daily lives...
With the Ghost of Ansel Adams
Naturally talented photographers from our villages want to share their experiences through pictures...
Life in Nani Borvai, Gujarat
Most villagers have farms, work as labourers on the land of others, or work in the nearby quarries. In terms of getting the kind of employment which requires a graduate education, there are almost no opportunities...
A Higher Understanding
Amrita University students intern in villages to learn about the rich traditions, culture, and strength latent in India’s villages. They also come away with a better understanding of the unique challenges facing rural India...
Life in Bihar
In Bihar, people face some of the most difficult life challenges: poverty casts a huge shadow, malnutrition is commonly found and the community faces long delays in development...
Life in Kalinagar, West Bengal
Kalinagar, West Bengal has a literacy rate of 62%, however, most children drop out of school after 8th standard because they need to work...