Success in Beauty
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
The making of beautiful earrings has brought happiness and success to village women from Sadivayil, Tamil Nadu. They learnt how to produce the jewellery by hand and then experienced high sales at a nearby festival.
Electrical and Electronics Engineering students from Amrita University, Ettimadai campus took part in the seva of teaching the women how to make the earrings. Then a big chance for sales came–a stall was put up in the University Technical Festival, Anokha.
In a short time span, the women made 142 earrings and managed to sell 128 of those. With an initial investment of 1200 rupees, they sold the earrings for 7640 rupees, making a profit of 6440 rupees.
Not only this, the women also managed to get 40 more orders. They most certainly feel empowered to have mastered this new source of sustainable income.