Thank You to Doctors
Sunday, July 2, 2017
Much gratitude was expressed to doctors along with all other health professionals across our villages yesterday. July 1 is National Doctors’ Day in India.

Health workers joined in the village celebrations yesterday, including a medical clinic in Gudipadi Cheruvu, Andhra Pradesh. When invited to attend the event, the doctors asked if they may also conduct the village’s first medical clinic.
Dr. Raju, Dr. Sibdeswara, and Dr. Prasad are all GP’s. They are from Machala, a nearby private hospital. They saw 97 patients and found cases of fever, diarrhoea, vomitting, gas, high blood pressure, and body pain.
It was Gudipudi Cheruvu’s first medical clinic and now the doctors would like to visit to conduct one per month. These doctors are also doing such seva in other nearby villages.
India has shown remarkable improvements in the medical field and July 1 pays a perfect tribute to all the doctors who have made relentless efforts towards achieving this goal irrespective of the odds.
National Doctors’ Day honours the legendary physician and the second Chief Minister of West Bengal, Dr Bidhan Chandra Roy. He was born on July 1, 1882 and died on the same date in 1962, aged 80 years.
Dr Roy was honoured with the country’s highest civilian award, Bharat Ratna, on February 4, 1961. The celebration of Doctors’ Day is an attempt to emphasise the value of doctors in our lives and to offer them our respects by commemorating one of their greatest representatives.