Time For Kitchen Gardening
June, 5, 2020
World Environment Day
“My favourite subject is kitchen gardening in Gurukula, because we grow fresh vegetables,” says 13-year-old Janaki from Nani Borvai, Gujarat. The gurukula children have been taking care of small vegetable beds with the lead of their teacher Seema Ben. It is a practical way to teach how to connect with nature and to see the results of efforts. Janaki with her fellow students have recently harvested okra (lady finger) from their garden.
During Covid-19 period, not many activities could be done in the villages, but kitchen garden has been under every Amrita staff eye. Children also have regularly checked how the plants are doing by giving care and watering them. With the teacher, the gurukula students prepared natural fertiliser from cow dung and urine mixed with other organic matters. Jeevamrita, the liquid fertiliser, and Ghan Jeevamrita, solid fertiliser cakes were prepared and applied to the garden beds.

The teachers who are experienced in gardening or farming could guide the children, explaining also the importance of taking good care of plants and the earth.
On Environment Day 2020, the UN declared ‘Time For Nature’ as the main theme. These village children live in the midst of remote villages and are in contact with nature all the time. Gurukula provides the children the practical knowledge how in everyday living local homemade natural resources can be utilised in harmony with nature.